
Make Your Heart The First priority!!


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Doctor profile 
Dr Sudheer Reddy Chandra
MBBS, MD, DM Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
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Dr Sudheer Reddy Chandra

MBBS, MD, DM Consultant Interventional Cardiologist .

Dr Sudheer Reddy Chandra is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist in the Department of Cardiology at Landmark Hospitals, Hyderabad. Dr Sudheer Reddy Chandra has over 10years of rich professional experience in his field. Dr Sudheer Reddy Chandra has treated several patients in India and gives every patient the best of medical care. He has performed more than 5000 Coronary Angiograms and 1000 Angioplasty procedures which is done mostly from the wrist access (Radial Artery access).

  • Overall 14 Years Of Professional Experience In This Field.
  • He offers the best second opinion regarding the angiograms done elsewhere, helping the patients to choose further line of treatment wisely.

"Think Hard And Focus On The Patient's Well-Being"

Heart Diseases and Conditions We Treat

Heart Failure

Heart failure is a heart condition where muscles in the heart fail to pump enough blood required for the body. Though it is a serious health condition, prompt monitoring, lifestyle changes, and treatment

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Heart Attack

Heart attack is a medical emergency in which the blood supply to the heart is compromised. The blood vessels (coronary arteries) may be blocked due to plaque rupture (the rupture of hard and thick fatty deposits) and subsequent clot formation.

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Atrial Fibrillation

The chaotic electric impulse in the upper chambers of the heart sets them into irregular and rapid pumping. This results in fast and irregular heart rhythm in the range of 100 to 175 beats per minute.

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Cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest is a condition where heart stops working suddenly and unexpectedly. The person looses consciousness and remains unresponsive. The patient needs immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and or use of defibrillator.

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Enlarged Heart

Enlarged heart or cardiomegaly is a sign of an underlying heart or vascular condition. Cardiomegaly is also associated with heart attacks, infections, valve problems and rarely in pregnancy.

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Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)

Congenital heart disease occurs as a consequence of a structural abnormality in the heart at birth such as defects in the heart valve, hole in the heart, problems in arteries and veins connected to heart or problems

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Arrhythmias or dysrhythmias are a group of problems that are noted by altered heart rate caused by disruption of normal sequence of electrical impulses to the heart. In arrhythmias, your heart may beat faster

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Heart Valve Disease

Heart valve disease is the term used to define diseases of heart valves which control the flow of blood across the 4 chambers of heart. Valve is a leaflet like structure that act as one-way allowing the blood to flow forward.

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Angina Pectoris

Angina is a clinical term to the symptoms of chest pain and discomfort resulting usually from coronary artery disease (inadequate blood supply to the heart muscle due to narrowed coronary arteries).

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Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

Coronary artery disease occurs as a result of blockage of arteries supplying blood to the heart (Coronary artery). CAD may cause angina (chest pain), shortness of breath and heart attack.

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Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Peripheral artery disease is the reduced blood flow in the limbs due to narrowed arteries. This disease is marked by mild to severe pain of the legs while walking (claudication)

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Diagnostics Services

Coronary angiogram

Angiogram is used as an invasive imaging technique to view the blockages in the blood vessels (called as coronary arteries) on the surface of the heart. It is usually a day care procedure performed in the cath lab using a narrow tube called as catheter. An angiogram is helpful in the assessment of chest pains, angina and suspected heart attacks.

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Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An ECG or electrocardiogram is useful in measuring the electrical activity of the heart. This basic test result is helpful in assessing heart symptoms such as chest pain, breathing problems, suspected heart attack and fainting (syncope). ECG procedure is in clinical use for a long time and is very safe non invasive procedure.

Treadmill test

Treadmill test also known as cardiac stress test is useful in understanding the ability of heart to respond to external stress/ exertion in a controlled clinical environment. The ECG measurements taken at maximum exertion are compared with at rest measurements to assess indirectly for the possibility of narrowed coronary arteries. The treadmill test is useful in patients with suspected coronary artery disease and also for assessing exercise-induced irregularity in heart beat. The treadmill test is generally safe in expert supervision.

2D Echo

A 2D echocardiogram is a cardiac imaging test using ultrasound. The images of 2D echo are extremely beneficial in viewing the chambers of heart, valves, and major blood vessels to identify if there are any abnormalities. Some of the measurements taken in 2D echo are size of the chambers, pumping function, thickness of the walls, tumors or clots (if any), pressure on the lungs, and birth defect in the heart.

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